The expansion of Citi Bike into the Bronx and Upper Manhattan started on Wednesday, May 6th. More than 100 new stations will be added to Bronx Community Board 1 and Manhattan Community Boards 9, 10, and 11. This includes stations outside of Lincoln Hospital in the Bronx (pictured above) and Harlem Hospital in Manhattan, giving essential workers a safe and accessible mode of transportation.
Stations were selected with input from a combination of public workshops, on-street engagement, and our online feedback portal, as well as DOT's siting guidelines, which take into account ADA accessibility and sidewalk width, parking and truck loading, and nearby utilities. The final plan of station locations for each community board can be found below:
Bronx Community Board 1 - Final Map (PDF)
Manhattan Community Board 9 - Final Map (PDF)
Manhattan Community Board 10 - Final Map (PDF)
Manhattan Community Board 11 - Final Map (PDF)
For more information, please read the full press release.